In his depiction of the human form, Andrew Ragland blurs the boundaries of classical figuration and modern abstraction. Built up through layers, the images that take shape are an amalgam of traditional analog techniques adapted to an ever-evolving digital medium.

Born in 1978 in Madras, India, Andrew emigrated to the US with his family. He attended the University of Notre Dame from 1996 to 2001, graduating with a degree in Psychology. His undergraduate studies focused his interest on memory formation and consolidation. His work aims to explore how the unconscious mind cannibalizes and collages what is experienced by the conscious mind during its waking hours, processing both the real and imagined into a single, unified memory. The concept of the false memory and its associated phantom imagery would eventually become a central theme to his gallery work.

In 2003, he began his journey into the field of illustration, when he left a graduate MFA film program, to pursue an independent study of figure drawing at the American Animation Institute under master draftsman Karl Gnass and later studied figure painting at the California Art Institute under the famed paperback and comic book illustrator Glen Orbik.

He lives in downtown Los Angeles where he maintains his studio practice.